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About Books by Markar Melkonian


Below you will find a clickable list of full-text articles and other information that provide more information about my books. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are more academic than other items.

Ways of Talking that No Longer Work for Most of Us

The following is a six-part series of short opinion pieces that appeared between November 15, 2010 and April 4, 2011, on Hetq Online, an online publication of the Investigative Journalists of Armenia ( I hope these articles provide a glimpse, from a broader and very different perspective, of the changes that have taken place in one particular post-Soviet republic.

For years, Hetq has been conducting the sort of courageous investigative journalism that countries like Armenia desperately need. Consider contributing to this good work:

Sorry State: Post-Soviet Armenia

My Brother's Road

Table of Contents


Interview with Author

Richard Rorty's Politics

Review of Three Recent Books by Rorty*

Marxism: A Post-Cold War Primer

How I Came to Write the Primer

What Is a Marxist?

Notes, Reviews, and Commentaries

Steven Pinker's Stone Soup (2010)

Armenian Identity: Introductory Remarks (2010)

Bhopal Forgotten (2009)

Oops, Abkhazia Spoofed Itself (2009)

Notes on Disillusionment (2004)

Is America Number One? (2000)

Political Cartoons (1987-1993)

Red Feminism (1996)*

Armenia and the Coalition of the Willing

Armenia and the Coalition of the WIlling: An Exchange (November 2004)

Open Letter to the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia (November 2004)

The Last Hope to Stop the Iraq Deployment (December 14, 2004)

An Eleventh-Hour Appeal (December 23, 2004)

It's All about Accountability (December 28, 2004)



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